This is my first contribution, how exciting!
I had my last day of uni yesterday, and i thought you'd all be dying to know. Only 4 weeks of prac (in sydney) and one exam after that and im done with uni forever! again!
This is a picture of me with my flatmates in our new uniform ready to take on the world of catheters and sputum! Cant wait!
Congratulations Nurse Bronny! Ready to roll up your sleeves?...
Every time Matt has too much to drink, he raves about your excellent catheter technique.
Don't attack me. You'll hurt my feelings
Richard and Matt are now BANNED from interacting on this blog for one month.
Any objections from the rest of the srf on that one?
If that judges ruling couldn't keep us from harassing each other, what makes you think that you will have any more luck?
how will i do my homework?
Nice one Bron (on the finishing not the catheter stuff) does this mean we will be seeing you in Sydney shortly?
Not so fast mister!
Richard and Matt are not banned from USING this blog, just from interacting with each other on this blog. Resist the urge!
Homework is still compulsory for both.
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