Tuesday, November 21, 2006


On waking this morning I found that my finger is still bloody sore, so my boss got his phonecall and has been packed off to Burwood to train half a dozen doctors/staff and nurses in a CPR update!

Flit drove me up to the medical centre where the most appallingly rude doctor called me into his office. I told him about my injury and he asked if I could move it, I showed him the very slight movement and said if I force it anymore the pain is too much....so what does he do? immediately grabs my finger and tries to straighten it fully!!! Naturally I flinched and asked him not to do that, to which he replied that how was he to know what was wrong with out touching it! Then he gave me a lecture on basic medical examination....I told him to stop being so mean and then sat in stony silence till he wrote me an x-ray referral and medical certificate.

Flit and I both went and had our x-rays (he wanted to check out his ankle injury) and then spent the next 20 minutes trying to avoid my rude dr and nab ourselves a kinder one.

The end result is that there are no broken bones in the House of Fillet! Yay!

I have it all strapped up and tomorrow off work! Might even wrangle Thursday off too if it doesn't get alot better. So until the pain goes away and the mobility comes back, I can't drive, do my hair properly or open the back door!


Matt said...

The heart-broken sheep's reign of terror continues! This bad luck will stay with you until you bring that sheep back to live with you and Flit! Muhahahaha!

Sarah said...

Beware the chops.

I'd switch to beef if I were you Lady.