...I guess we knew we would, but it still seems strange that the whole shebang only happened 6 months ago!!
Of course I'm talking about our wedding 6 month-aversary. It was Friday. March 9. and it was great!
We thought we'd go back to where it all happened and treat ourselves to dinner at the Lord Nelson. Our hyperactive matre'd, Brad, was there, so we took along some photos for him and scored ourselves a free bottle of red! brilliant!
The last time we went here (the wedding of course) we got a round of applause as we walked in the door arriving for our reception....this time we entered annonymously and unnoticed...quite different, but wonderful to remember our big day.
Only another 50-odd years to go!
Happy 6 Months Mr+ Mrs F
Onya Flits!
Aww, that's great! Congratulations!
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