Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 - a year in review

Well my friends, it's that time of year again - when your kindly neighbourhood evil blog administrator finds herself in a deserted office, haunted by the echoes of a silent phone and still inbox, with time and inclination to idle over a few memories and take a look back at the momentous and the fleeting in the life of the SRF for 2007.

Let’s start at the very beginning, with January, February, March. Some kicked off with a bang,

others with more of a splutter-splutter-chug.

The first three months brought new beginnings for the SRF. For some, new hopes, new careers, new cars.
For others, new stairs. The most notable addition to the SRF repertoire was the big fat FUTSAL win, in February, perhaps the proudest moment in the history of our physically challenged and individual oriented society.

But as in every good story there were sadnesses too, colouring the start of our year with a bitter sweet tinge of blue. The OC, Amanda Vanstone, Freddo Frog, and Anna Nicole Smith all bowed out, puncturing our hopes for the year to come. The House of Chicken suffered a great blow that left a Noodle-shaped hole in the fabric of their domestic lives. Lucky for the remaining housemates, an enormous pair of shins would soon fill that void…

In other happenings, we visited Wollombi,
Nicolai visited Canada, the boys visited Noodle’s feminine side.

The comet came, the Google Earth plane didn’t
and a mouse dropped by the House of Fillet. Nicolai took Flit on their first date. Flit made it to his ½ anniversary with Gretta. Gretta started kicking recruitment arse. Then on the last day of March we all headed to the bush for a hoedown and I married our noodliest.

2007 - a year in review (cont)

As the weather cooled and the changing seasons reminded us all of our mortality, so changed the life of the SRF, FOREVER!

The rhythms of life were humming along - Wodger was born, Futsal died, Paris went to gaol and Bryan went to Adelaide.

Then the unspeakable happened… the life long SRF tradition of trivia was once again interrupted by the sudden encrappening of Kelly’s and our humble society found itself IN CRISIS!
While some of us faced facts and explored other Trivia options, others opted for denial and hid from the problem.

We lost sight of Nicolai altogether, who choose to bury himself in work rather than face up to the gruesome truth - the SRF was once again homeless.

But in our true style, we banded together, gussied up and put best feet forward for Nicolai’s big night.

Then we packed up and headed for the hills to ride out the winter of our discontent, regrouping ready to bravely face whatever horrors our collective future may bring.

2007 - a year in review (cont)

Back on deck and ready to face facts, John started planning a nice relaxing sailing holiday to give us something to look forward to and help us ride out the storm. Shari also showed her support for us by giving us all what we’ve always wanted… a whipping boy little brother of our very own.
Then in August, it all started to come together for the SRF. Mattwa sacrificed his reputation and sunk to new lows, bringing Richard back into the fold and taking home an award for his troubles.
The return of Richie also brought back the Australian idol report, re-linking us with the past and spurring us onward. A working B reinforced our team spirit and revived our self esteem as we sat back and saw what we were capable of creating.

And then it happened. A breakthrough. Noodle spied with his little eye a possibilitiy we just could not ignore… After a little research, the call went out to take up arms and march again as one, to charge, fight and conquer. And we did. Zanzibar was ours! Our group was once again unified in victory and anchored in Newtown. We had come through the other side, scathed but stronger than ever before.

In honour of our victory, and in carnation of our reborn hope for the future, Richard produced us an heir.
On a roll, some put the worlds’ professional cheerleaders to shame, turning up to ensure yet another victory.

Then, as the world turned its spotlight on our fair city home, some of us put in a hard days work for APEC and had immense fun with big yellow toys.

Except John. He didn’t. He missed out. He wasn’t there.

2007 - a year in review (cont)

Restored to former glory, the mighty SRF finished the year in usual form. First, Nick checked in with our Paris branch for updates from the North. (Things seem to be getting a little out of hand up there…)
Hello Jenny & Alex!

Then we bid a fitting farewell to the federal government and rang in the new era of Rudd. We had group triumphs, such as John finally securing Shari for us, legally.
(And hence cementing our ownership of Dean ‘Charlize Theron’ Seccombe.) We had solo efforts, such as Nick’s dash from Bondi to Bronte in under and hour.
We finished the year together(ish) with cocktails and then went our separate ways for the festive season, soon to ring in a new year, when we will once again band together - to overcome more obstacles, share more successes and pick on Dean. Until then, all the very best from your evil blog administrator. Take care, god bless, and here’s to 2008!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Jazz in the Domain 2008

The Sydney Festival is fast approaching, anyone interested in going to the Jazz in the Domain?

It on Saturday the 12th of January. We could head down to the domain with a picnic and a bottle of wine (or two) and enjoy the music.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas to the mighty SRF!!!

Wishing you a happy, holy day.

And here is to a wonderful 2008 for all of us!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Click Through!

So in our internet usage report - I'm calling it that it probably has a real name but I'm not here for detail - our lovely blog made the top 20 list of places people click through to get to the festival website. In fact we came in 13th so with a little more clicking through we can make the top 10!

Watch out google

Click Here

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes

If you have any interest in Psychology this is a great watch. Segregating kids classes into brown eyes and blue eyes.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Headline Of The Day

I thought this deserved a mention:

Paris Hilton rescues Oompa Loompa

Need a last second pressie idea for Matt?

Then look no further than and their range of HandzOff products!

"5 oz. of soothing anti-masturbation cream. Keep applying until you get relief."

"Masturbating while driving is dangerous. Please keep both hands on the wheel. Don't jerk and drive! Yummy sunflower scent proven to reduce urges."

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Noodle's Birthday Dinner

What: Noodle's 26th birthday.
When: Friday, December 21st at 7:30pm.
Where: Cafe Zimt (
368 Crown Street, Surry Hills).
Wear: Casual.
Why: Because it's the one day each year when I finally attain the same age as Sarah's little brother and, damn it, I'm going to celebrate it!

Monday, December 10, 2007

It's um... also well

So I've got a new job. Here's the website of the company I'll be working for. And yes, Mexican wrestling masks are compulsory... for ugly people..
which I'm not...
am I?

Actually , don't answer that. I've had alleged friends cancel dinner on me 2 nights in a row now and I'm starting to think it's not just my repellant personality.

Zero Punctuation

Apologies if this has come up before, but it was too good not to share. This is an English guy living in Australia who does video reviews of games which are absolutely fantastic. The name "Zero Punctuation" presumably comes from the fact he doesn't seem to pause for breath once during the entire thing. A must watch for anyone who is even mildly interested in games.

Check out the website for more videos

Thursday, December 06, 2007

It's Official!

The negotiations have been completed, the deal is done and now we sit and wait till the New Year. The overlord is SORTED! woohoo!

For those of you who have no idea what I'm rambling about, I have to be careful as it is still very hush hush and I don't want to risk someone reading over my shoulder and finding out everything.... (I'll write something in the comments section to spell it out for you)

I start in my new capacity in the New Year, and we have staggered the roll out to prevent people's noses getting out of joint and also to stop me feeling too overwhelmed with it all.

Needless to say I'm very happy about it all, I stand to gain alot and learn even more. Onwards and Upwards!!!

Thanks also to everyone who sat and listened and gave advice while I was coming to terms with it all.

End of Year Cocktails

What: End of Year Cocktails for The SRF!
When: This Saturday night, 8th December 2007
Where: Lets' give the Elephant Bar a crack
Wear: Fabulous frocks and suitable shirts....leather shoes for boys and gorgeous heels for girls.
Why: To celebrate the passing of 2007 in style!...and just because we can!

Starting time: Initially we were thinking along the lines of 7:30 - 8ish. But the elephant bar cocktail happy hour is from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Would anyone prefer to meet at 5:30pm for pre-dinner cocktails, then something modestly priced for dinner in the area before another venue?


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Newest Arrival

I know this is now about 4 weeks overdue, but here is the latest addition to my family.

Little Edward!
Here he is being held by his big sister, Abby (5)

Monday, December 03, 2007

Under an hour!

Despite being terrified as they toed the sand at a sparkling Bondi yesterday, Nicolai, Jess & Chris not only started the 2.5km swim to Bronte but finished it too, in a very respectable time of under an hour.



Bloody well done guys! So proud of you Nicolai. You deserved your yum cha after that effort!
(I hope your calf is feeling better today.)