Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 - a year in review (cont)

As the weather cooled and the changing seasons reminded us all of our mortality, so changed the life of the SRF, FOREVER!

The rhythms of life were humming along - Wodger was born, Futsal died, Paris went to gaol and Bryan went to Adelaide.

Then the unspeakable happened… the life long SRF tradition of trivia was once again interrupted by the sudden encrappening of Kelly’s and our humble society found itself IN CRISIS!
While some of us faced facts and explored other Trivia options, others opted for denial and hid from the problem.

We lost sight of Nicolai altogether, who choose to bury himself in work rather than face up to the gruesome truth - the SRF was once again homeless.

But in our true style, we banded together, gussied up and put best feet forward for Nicolai’s big night.

Then we packed up and headed for the hills to ride out the winter of our discontent, regrouping ready to bravely face whatever horrors our collective future may bring.

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