Friday, March 07, 2008

Dogla Vs Liguar

Having watched Napoleon Dynamite, I was aware of the concept of a Liger. In fact, I had heard that such creatures can and do exist. However, apparently it doesn't end there:

Lion Tiger Jaguar Leopard
Lion Lion Liger Liguar Liard
Tiger Tigon Tiger Tiguar Tigard
Jaguar Jaglion Jagger Jaguar Jagupard
Leopard Leopon Dogla Leguar Leopard

The notorious Liger


Margs said...

Love it!

I am, however, very hopeful that you found that genetic matrix rather than created it from your own research....

Sarah said...

I think I'm more of a Jagupard kind of girl. Even though the liger IS bred for its skills in magic...

Margs said...

I also think they are going to far with the Lijagulep.....