You'll never guess where the Sydney uni law faculty have decided to build their new law school... Over the Stephen Roberts and the geology buildings of all places!
Mum alerted me to this fact when reading their law newsletter last week. Its the end of an era! Not that we go there anyway, but it's part of our history! I dont understand why, it really is such a beautiful piece of art!
We should steal the sign off the building. Anyone up for some midnight criminal activiy?
I'll be up for sign stealage!
woo hoo
It'll be like old times
Me too Richie, I'm sure I told people ages ago too. This has been on the cards for at least a year. Since I am not there to help, perhaps I can re-suggest my idea to all you militants out there.
Go forth and chain yourself to the building in front of the trucks, and then when they tell you to move, just get up and say "oh sorry, were we in the way" and calmly leave! I think that would be a worthy end.
recon team go!
(the beer team is staying where it is)
I might have a snoop around too...
I'll stay with the beer!
So thats Richie and Matten on recon and Margs and Mattes on beer duty....any other volunteers?
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