Thursday, May 25, 2006

Wonderful World of Google.

Google as rolled out another in it's long line of products - Google Trends. Ok it's not the most useful tool out there but is sure generates some interesting Trivia, as SMH yesterday pointed out

Sheep - NZ Number one (Aust number two)
Porn - NZ Number two (Aust number three)

Sex - Mainly Muslim countries.
matt starr - USA then Canada
google - India, UK (Who googles google from google idiots)
stephen roberts - UK, Australia
lonely - Ireland

And while I'm in google....
The Real hits:
Shari Seccombe
Jenny Waern
Julian Flitcroft - Second Place, nice work.

Not quite sure:
Gabby Hold - The Glass Ceiling

The hidden lives:
John Allinson - Artist
Margaret Instance - Contributor to the Generation Game.
Mathew Starr - Check out his 'friends'.
Sarah Franklin
Bronwen Williams - Get her CD now (and a signed photo)
The many lives of Good Nick: Speedster, Comic Genious Wow google loves nick.
Richard Andrew - The Richard Andrew Experiment, I think we all know that has failed ;)
Evil - Sorry the is to many Nick hold me, nick hold on's for me to trawl through.
Matt Nicholson
Dj Bryan

No Results... Create a web page so google can love you too.
Bronwyn Sammut

Dad Joke

---------- SUBMISSIONS SORELY NEEDED ---------------------
Ida Mae passed away and Nick called 000. The 000-operator told Nick that she would send someone out right away.

'Where do you live?' asked the operator.

Nick replied, 'At the end of Eucalyptus Drive.'

The operator asked, 'Can you spell that for me?'

After a long pause, Nick said, 'How 'bout I drag her over to Oak Street and you pick her up there?'


Margs said...

What a great post! Loved trawling through the secret lives!

One thing though...shouldn't Matt Starr be hanging out with kids his own age?

Matt said...

my good friend bj_CRASHFIRE is 35

Flit said...

however, Mr CRASHFIRE looks like he should be doing some cell time with Gary Glitter

Margs said...

I agree is very suspicious why a 35 year old man would be hanging with a 14 year old boy!