Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Can't think of a suitable title for this one...

Can anyone come up with a suitable blog title for this ?


Noodle said...

Damn you... I was about to post that!

I was thinking somewhere along the lines of, "this headline has it all!"

Matt said...

Ha, I tried to post it earlier but got a blogger error.

I was going with "Being a Dwarf Sucks" or "Attack of the Dwarf Penis Eating Vacuum Cleaners"

Flit said...

All of which have merit, I read the article again and have to say I kind of missed the point of what he did in the first place - if only all theatre involved dwarves with vacs attached to their privates - it would be a new golden age of theatre.

Flit said...

And damn, I missed an opportunity to add some 'keywords'

Richard said...

You can still edit one in :)

I recommend Matt 'I thought you had to pay for that kind of thing' Starr

Flit said...

So I can.