Friday, September 28, 2007
Friday Challenge: Worst. Outfit. Ever.

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Farewell Lana, or Australian Idol: Sausage Fest 2007

Three weeks, three ladies leave the Australian Idol stage. When the final 12 had a gender imbalance to begin with (7 - 5 to the blokes), this years competition is making it pretty clear what the average female teen voter wishes to see... boys!
Lana has been on the chopping block every week, and with good reason. She was a weak singer and chose boring songs (or made interesting songs boring). I'm not surprised she has been voted off, but I really thought Marty was going this week. He has also been in the firing lines, and produced probably the worst butchering of a song in Idol history (you should check out his rendition of You Sexy Thing, I fully expected the earth to open up and swallow him whole for his crimes against nature).
There are just so many average singers this year, it's hard to predict which one of them will get the chop each week. So far the handful of decent singers have escaped, but it can't be long before they start going in favour of the "cute" boys. And that brings me on to a little rant...
Why is it that last week a few people got slammed for not playing enough of a "rock" song on rock night, but this week Matt Corby scores a touchdown and zero negative feedback for singing a Beatles song on Disco night?? I know "Got to get you into my life" was covered by Earth, Wind & Fire, but what exactly was it about his version that made it disco? And of course the teenie boppers (i.e. people who vote) love the way he looks enough to vote for him if he beltched the national anthem rather than singing, so he is pretty safe doing whatever the hell he feels like. Bah I say... Bah!
Monday, September 24, 2007
And here are some more...
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Nick's funeral preparations
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
V-I-C-T-O-R-Y !!!!
Deaf in one ear... it explains a lot.

I don't have time for a full length rant today (sorry Matt, I know you love them so), but it would be a sad state of affairs if I can't manage to do my Idol update two whole weeks in a row!
Anyone who watched the excruciating Rock Night on Sunday will probably be surprised that Brianna Carpenter was voted off. I mean, because the rest of them should have been voted off alongside her. I actually missed the show, but in my DEDICATION I went to the Idol website and suffered through all of the horrendous performances for the sake of "journalistic integrity" to this most fascinating of blog updates.
They were all awful, but sad to say Brianna managed to take it to a new level with The Logical Song, where she managed to miss as many notes as she hit. It came out that she has trouble because she is deaf in one ear.
I would have preferred it if Carl "I think Rock = a lame jazz version of Coldplay" Whateverthehellhisnameis had gone, but there is no question that Brianna also deserved to go.
Monday, September 17, 2007
The wait is nearly over.

For those amongst us that enjoy awesome things, you will be pleased to hear that the first of four planned Futurama DVD Movies is due to be released on the 27th of November, 2007 in the US. It is called "Futurama: Bender's Big Score", and will be followed at an unspecified time in 2008 by "Futurama: The Beast of a Billion Backs" and "Futurama: Bender's Game" and finally "Futurama: The Wild Green Yonder" in 2009.
And the plot I hear you ask? "The Planet Express crew fights to save the world from nudist alien internet scammers, who send Bender back into the past to steal the world's greatest treasures. The secret to time travel is tatooed on Fry's buttocks, Leela finds true love, and Fry learns a terrible secret about his destiny and his buttocks." God bless Wikipedia and it's stellar quality control!
Much like the Family Guy movie, each of these movies can be chopped up into several linked episodes, and I believe the plan is to release them as a new series of 12/16 episodes on TV once the final movie has been released.
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Greatest Hero of them All
Meet Arm-Fall-Off Boy, the possibly the greatest hero of all time! Any guesses as to his secret power?

For those that can't read what he is saying properly, it's "My power will astonish you! Observe as I detatch my limb - and transform it into a deadly weapon! DIE VILLAIN! HA-YAAAA!"
So in the spirit of competition, anyone care to attempt to top this and show me an even more awesome comic book moment? Check this out if you need a place to start... Superman is a Dick, home of awesome (and real) Superman and other comic moments such as this:

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Next SMF event
When: This Sunday morning, whistle blows at 10am. All over by 11:15.
Where: Pennant Hills Park hockey field.
Why: A nice morning out in the sun, a deserving team to support, a nail biting game to watch and as we're playing the same nasty team as in the semis, we'll need a bloodthirsty army that can wreck their putrid imbecile supporters once the rioting breaks out...
Turn off Pennant Hills road onto The Cresent (street opposite the turn-off to Pennant Hills station), take first left then right onto Britannia St. Turn left at the roundabout to turn into Pennant Hills Park.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Farewell Holly or The Return of Richard's Australian Idol Report

First off I should apologise. I did try and find a picture of Holly's awesomely bad/big hair from the Sunday show, but it wasn't available via google within ten seconds so I went with Plan B (being, whatever came up first).
So, I don't actually have much to say about this decision... I think Holly would have gone sooner rather than later anyway, but I didn't think she was anywhere near the worst on the night. That idiot Mark De Costa who sang Vertigo and dancing like a chimp with parkinsons probably should have gone, or perhaps the extremely boring Marty Simpson... but they weren't even in the bottom three!
Lana Crost (she with the widely spaced eyes) and Brianna Carpenter (she who has a hairdresser with one leg shorter than the other) joined Holly in the shit seats, with Brianna being sent back immediately. I doubt Brianna has long in the competition, because she is doing the cutesy/quirky thing without actually being that cute, so unless she pulls something "normal" out and blows everyone away I think people are going to get pretty tired of her pretty quickly. Lana is just so boring that I just don't think people can sum up the enthusiasm to vote for her.
The judges are more irritating this year than ever... Kyle is perhaps even more dead inside this year than ever before. If you want to see something spooky, try to catch him blinking, he just doesn't. I like that Dicko is back mostly because he doesn't have his head firmly up his arse, but I am just filled with rage any time Marsha or Kyle open their mouths. Why oh why couldn't they both have been sacked in favour of better choices?
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Toys in Tumut
Arriving late Thursday night to a warm fire and freely flowing wine was a fabulous start. Then to a bright sunny Friday morning and a trip into town for some coffee and supplies while the Franklin family headed to Wagga to farewell their beloved Granddad.
Friday night saw a Nick and Margaret Feast of epic proportions (scaled down to just 4 courses in the end for practicality sake) and a tired but enthusiastic bunch looking forward to our Tonka toy day the next day.
Since utes have limited cabin space, Sarah and I sat in the trailer...what a view! And such a different colour from the brown dry land pre-wedding!!
We chopped and we carried and we loaded the Ute full of firewood
Sunday brought more sun and a relaxing breakky.
MMMMM...pancakes and ice cream for breakfast!
We left early (about 11.30am) after breakfast to avoid the holiday traffic. After many visits out this way Flit finally won the battle and was allowed to visit the Dog on the Tuckerbox.
....Not really sure what happened to the holiday traffic though...we got home in record time!
A brilliant way to spend a weekend and a first wedding anniversary to boot!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Hockey Semi Final
It was a nervous Gordon team that took to the field at 8 am this morning. A few changes to the lineup and only 1 sub to the opposition’s 3. Our long weekend was on the line - a win and we’re straight through to the Grand Final on September 16. A loss and we’d be cancelling our long weekends away for APEC to face the other semi-final looser.
Mirrabooka, one of only two teams to ever beats us, won the toss and the game was kicked off with a strong break from them before the Gordon team settled into our rhythm and played our game, dominating the first half, setting up a handful of goals but failing to convert. Until the first thud into the back of the Mirrabooka goal. Gordon finally turned our lead into the first goal of the game.
Mirrabooka’s half time pep talk must have been sensational because after changing ends, they came out harder and more determined than before. The game started getting messy as both teams reverted to directionless whacks that saw free hit after free hit swapping from one team to the other. Gordon worked hard in the fray of the fresh Mirrabooka faces circulating onto the turf but after a bungle by the Gordon back, a sudden break saw us on the back foot and our goalie, Gracie, was no match for the three players that saw the first Mirrobooka goal scored half way through the first half.
From there, the game belonged to Mirrabooka. They were pumped, they had a crowd of vocal supporters on the sideline and still had three fresh subs. We shut down break after break and cringed at a half dozen short corner penalties awarded against us but our defence held out. That was until our Centre Half got smacked in the arm (by our own back) and had to go off. The panic in our coaches voices could only be detected by us as they ran our only sub on into wing, shuffled a wing into inner, inner into half, half into back and another back to cover the new Centre Half hole in our lineup.
We were scared. We could see our long-weekend melting away before our eyes. Mirrabooka seemed to grow in height and bulk, started making smug comments and reeled in any usual gestures of a friendly game. When we won free hits, the Mirra girls close to the ball refused to pass it back to us and made Gordon players run over to get it so we could line up to take the free hit. They showed no signs of lagging and their supporters were bellowing from the sideline. Our confusion continued as our coaches made more changes to our positions from the sideline. No subs now and we ALL needed a breather.
And then a change blew through. A sudden break from Gordon, the Mirrabooka goalie came out to kick it but a quick pass off saw a Gordon player with the ball, a clear 2 m shot at the goal, and took it! The Mirra girls could hardly believe it and pounded back to the half way, ready for revenge. They started with the ball and were just setting up their usual V formation down to the Gordon goal. We were pulled back, ready to defend our 1 goal lead by any means possible when…
WHISTLE! Full time and a Gordon win! The Mirrobooka supporters fell silent for the first time. Our coaches were shaking, the injured player was almost beside herself on the sideline, the waning Gordon players struggling to believe how their luck had changed! The Mirrobooka girls bitterly shook our hands and threatened to meet us in the Grands in two weeks time…