What? - Poker at Richards
When? - Saturday the 8th of September (APEC long weekend)
Who? - Everyone who didn't get an invite to Tumut
Anyone of the male persuasion is welcome along to my place for some Poker and a chance to play with my Wii. Oh and then maybe some games on the latest Nintendo system...
Monday, August 27, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Good old British entrapment!
Pretty classy video someone sent me today, I thought people might get a chuckle out of it.
Balls Of Steel: Crippled Girl - Watch more free videos
Balls Of Steel: Crippled Girl - Watch more free videos
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Gender and the SRF
I thought this looked a bit interesting and fun. Would anyone like to go to it beofre the pub next Thursday?
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Can't think of a suitable title for this one...
Can anyone come up with a suitable blog title for this ?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Virgin Broadband - What's the catch?
I've been seeing ads for "free" broadband with Virgin if you have your home phone through them, and I thought I'd look it up to see just how gigantic the catch is.
I was actually pleasantly surprised, it seems like a fairly good deal for non-high volume downloaders. Basically you pay $60 a month and you get a wireless router/modem which you can also plug your phone into. The cost includes 4gigs a month at 512k, plus all landline calls and calls to virgin mobiles. And because the "landline" is actually wireless, you don't need to pay all the line rental fees normally associated with phones, plus you get the wireless modem to take if you are travelling in Australia (but your landline will only work within a certain radius of your home, apparently there are laws against giving people portable phones which aren't mobiles).
It's interesting anyway... not for me because I prefer faster speeds and larger download limits, but for anyone who just likes having the internet at home for emails etc and has a home phone, it's actually a pretty solid deal.
Here is an article with all the details
I was actually pleasantly surprised, it seems like a fairly good deal for non-high volume downloaders. Basically you pay $60 a month and you get a wireless router/modem which you can also plug your phone into. The cost includes 4gigs a month at 512k, plus all landline calls and calls to virgin mobiles. And because the "landline" is actually wireless, you don't need to pay all the line rental fees normally associated with phones, plus you get the wireless modem to take if you are travelling in Australia (but your landline will only work within a certain radius of your home, apparently there are laws against giving people portable phones which aren't mobiles).
It's interesting anyway... not for me because I prefer faster speeds and larger download limits, but for anyone who just likes having the internet at home for emails etc and has a home phone, it's actually a pretty solid deal.
Here is an article with all the details
Scrabble, anyone?
Facebook labelled a $5b waste of time
Facebook threatens productivity: data
So.... who's up for a game?
Friday, August 17, 2007
Well thanks to Sarah's organisation we gathered and conquered!
Our table was so large we were forced to split along the line of people who liked John and the people who work with him - oh hang on the other way round.....
Anyway SRF (sans the Allinson/secdcombes/hold) triumphed the trivia lady from the other Liverpool was mainly intelligible and Mattwa flirted his little heart out
Lets do it again next week!
Our table was so large we were forced to split along the line of people who liked John and the people who work with him - oh hang on the other way round.....
Anyway SRF (sans the Allinson/secdcombes/hold) triumphed the trivia lady from the other Liverpool was mainly intelligible and Mattwa flirted his little heart out
Lets do it again next week!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
What: SRF Trivia comeback!
Where: Zanzibar. King St, Newtown
When: Tonight
More specifically when: 7:15pm for 7:30pm start
Who: All able bodied Sydney resident members of the SRF are called to action
Why: So that we can recapture the glory of our youth and take Zanzibar trivia by storm
When: Tonight
More specifically when: 7:15pm for 7:30pm start
Who: All able bodied Sydney resident members of the SRF are called to action
Why: So that we can recapture the glory of our youth and take Zanzibar trivia by storm
The best graffiti is NERD graffiti!
What takes 5 hours, 10 men and 6400 post-it notes? 4 Stories of Pure Awesome, that's what!

Check out the website for a time-lapsed video of the construction.

Check out the website for a time-lapsed video of the construction.
I couldn't stop at just one!
The world of graffiti has many faces. From the political forum:

....to marriage.....

....to things other than marriage:
From cerebral weirdness......
....to plain old blatant nerdiness:

However, after all of this, my favourite was just plain funny.

I thought that was it, I thought I'd reached the pinacle and that it couldn't get any better.
Then they kicked it up a notch.

....to marriage.....

....to things other than marriage:

....to plain old blatant nerdiness:

However, after all of this, my favourite was just plain funny.

I thought that was it, I thought I'd reached the pinacle and that it couldn't get any better.
Then they kicked it up a notch.
Next Challenge....
So we had best tattoo a while ago.... Lets move onto best graffiti... Can you beat this one.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Scrabble is Awesome... Facebook is so-so
Ok, after much prompting and prodding from both work and home, I finally signed up for a facebook account.
It's interesting I suppose, although I'm not sure I "get" it. But what I DO get is online scrabble while I'm at work!
Currently I have several intense matches underway... and a game against Sarah :)
It's interesting I suppose, although I'm not sure I "get" it. But what I DO get is online scrabble while I'm at work!
Currently I have several intense matches underway... and a game against Sarah :)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Find the meaning
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Nothing beats an at-home medical procedure
This is quite creepy after watching the televisual freak show that is the Criminal Investigation channel last night - they covered a very similar topic.
Personal UFO
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
SRF in Crisis - Relief Rumoured
Reports that Zanzibar in Newtown is starting a Thursday night trivia this week could mean an end to the SRF crisis. Last night Mattwa Starr, global IT manager, futsal goal scorer, hobo and one of the original members of the troubled society, claims he witnessed a sign outside of Zanzibar, the well known but rarely frequented neighbouring bar of the once regular home to the SRF brains trust, Kelly's on King. Mattwa claims that the sign foretold of a new trivia night to hit the streets of Newtown and in what could prove to be a lucky revelation, a competition to run on Thursday nights, the traditional home of SRF beer winning and swilling.
In a bid to boost the flagging mid-week social commitments of the well-regarded society on the eve of its 10th anniversary, five members agreed to investigate Mr Starr's claims further, arranging to stakeout the new venue tomorrow night. The small but dedicated reconnaissance team is also issuing a call-out to any other members who may wish to support them on this relatively simple but crucial mission.
In a bid to boost the flagging mid-week social commitments of the well-regarded society on the eve of its 10th anniversary, five members agreed to investigate Mr Starr's claims further, arranging to stakeout the new venue tomorrow night. The small but dedicated reconnaissance team is also issuing a call-out to any other members who may wish to support them on this relatively simple but crucial mission.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Behold the Cuteness!
Matt Starr's Nerdling Glory
I love bets and dares. Especially against Matt Starr. Especially when I know going into it that Matt is going to be receiving a dose of humiliation. So it goes without saying that I was thrilled when in early January this year, Matt proposed the following bet:
He will learn to play Blood Bowl, and compete in my local league, with the end goal of playing competitively this year at Eucalyptus Bowl (which I was helping to organise). In exchange, I agree to return to the blog.
That's right, Matt loves me soooooo much that he volunteered to put himself through more than half a year of nerdy torture in exchange for my posts about dental appointments and video games. I agreed immediately, we hammered out the terms, and by the end of January his training had commenced!
One of the many games where Matt got thrashed. I took this picture after catching him laughing and enjoying himself. He later denied it.
For those who don't know what Blood Bowl is, it is a boardgame where two "coaches" control their teams in a game best described as "american football chess". It is a Games Workshop game, and includes teams such as Undead, Orcs, Humans and Elves etc. On first view it is extremely nerdy. Ok, on ALL views it is extremely nerdy, but underneath the veneer of lame there is an extremely complex and enjoyable strategy game which has a small but extremely social community here in Australia. It also recently had it's 20th Anniversary, so this isn't a new game by any means.
This year I agreed to assist with the organisation of Eucalyptus Bowl (which if you recall my original Nerdling Glory post, was the tournament that I won in 2005). It blew out into the largest tournament of it's kind in Australian history, with 46 coaches playing over 130 games across the two days. Players were competing not only for 1st/2nd/3rd, but also a host of minor prizes such as Best Painting and Most Casualties.
A crowd shot showing table upon table of proud geeks, who will take the prize of Eucalyptus Bowl 2007 Champion? I'll give you a hint... Not Matt.
One of those prizes was our "Encouragement Award", which is a nice way of saying Wooden Spoon. It was hotly contested, but after six games and six losses, Matt managed to secure the prize as the only contestant to play all six games without at least a draw. In other words, Matt is pretty much officially the worst Blood Bowl player in Australia.
The trophies were all professionally painted miniatures on a small wooden base, and we tried to pick miniatures which were appropriate to the prize. In the case of the Encouragement Award, we went with an Ogre Cheerleader, and I believe Matt is planning on displaying this proudly on his bedside table, next to the baby oil and a box of tissues.
So here I am. Matt has fulfilled his part of the agreement, and will never again be able to say that he has never taken part in a Board Game Tournament, or indeed won a trophy from said tournament. And for my end, here I am back at the blog, and looking forward to sharing my indignation on topics that irritate me, posting cute pictures of my dogs and grossing people out with unnecessary detail about dental procedures. And you can all thank Matt for sacrificing any street cred he might of had in the past to make it happen... Give him a hand everyone!
He will learn to play Blood Bowl, and compete in my local league, with the end goal of playing competitively this year at Eucalyptus Bowl (which I was helping to organise). In exchange, I agree to return to the blog.
That's right, Matt loves me soooooo much that he volunteered to put himself through more than half a year of nerdy torture in exchange for my posts about dental appointments and video games. I agreed immediately, we hammered out the terms, and by the end of January his training had commenced!

For those who don't know what Blood Bowl is, it is a boardgame where two "coaches" control their teams in a game best described as "american football chess". It is a Games Workshop game, and includes teams such as Undead, Orcs, Humans and Elves etc. On first view it is extremely nerdy. Ok, on ALL views it is extremely nerdy, but underneath the veneer of lame there is an extremely complex and enjoyable strategy game which has a small but extremely social community here in Australia. It also recently had it's 20th Anniversary, so this isn't a new game by any means.
This year I agreed to assist with the organisation of Eucalyptus Bowl (which if you recall my original Nerdling Glory post, was the tournament that I won in 2005). It blew out into the largest tournament of it's kind in Australian history, with 46 coaches playing over 130 games across the two days. Players were competing not only for 1st/2nd/3rd, but also a host of minor prizes such as Best Painting and Most Casualties.

One of those prizes was our "Encouragement Award", which is a nice way of saying Wooden Spoon. It was hotly contested, but after six games and six losses, Matt managed to secure the prize as the only contestant to play all six games without at least a draw. In other words, Matt is pretty much officially the worst Blood Bowl player in Australia.
The trophies were all professionally painted miniatures on a small wooden base, and we tried to pick miniatures which were appropriate to the prize. In the case of the Encouragement Award, we went with an Ogre Cheerleader, and I believe Matt is planning on displaying this proudly on his bedside table, next to the baby oil and a box of tissues.
So here I am. Matt has fulfilled his part of the agreement, and will never again be able to say that he has never taken part in a Board Game Tournament, or indeed won a trophy from said tournament. And for my end, here I am back at the blog, and looking forward to sharing my indignation on topics that irritate me, posting cute pictures of my dogs and grossing people out with unnecessary detail about dental procedures. And you can all thank Matt for sacrificing any street cred he might of had in the past to make it happen... Give him a hand everyone!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Feeling a bit flabby, just change your camera
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Social and Sailing Update
Decking Day 12th Aug 11-5 (also doubling as sailing planning day)
Birthday Do 25th August 7:30 onwards
Sailing Update
I spoke to the people today and got a bit of advice and found out what is needed to book. If we book for mid Feb we can have our choice at the moment, we can get the 10 nights for the price of 7 and a 5% discount because I have sailed with them before (as long as it is not school holidays). I had bit of a natter about the different boats and the Conquest 40 (http://www.whitsundayescape.com/sailingCats/conquest40.htm) def sounds like the best option. It sleeps upto 12 comfortably and is a good sailor with some extra comforts. Spa, Big BBQ, large fridge, rubber dingie with motor, good engine size, shallow draft, perfect boat. That would be $6150 for the 10 nights. So paying safe 10 people $615 each - $61 a night to sit in 5 star accom, in the prettiest place with me, the prettiest person. BARGAIN
For a rough idea of the full costs
per person (Group)
$615 - boat (6150)
$250 - flights (2500)
$175 - food (1750)
$150 - booze (1500)
$25 - worst case fuel for the boat (max 250)
$25 - Taxi to and from airport ($100 per ride)
$1240 for 11 days 10 nights. There should be no other costs.
Addition things:
*The boat comes with snorkling gear, you can rent scuba if you want.
*Staying at the islands (eg Hamilton) overnight is $80 for the boat ($8 each) but that gives you use of the island and facilities (pools, bars etc)
*Fuck, come on, this is going to be the best holiday ever!
To Plan:
1) Dates
2) No. Days
3) Boat
4) Shopping list/Menu
5) Any particular islands /stops you want to make.
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Birthday Do 25th August 7:30 onwards
Sailing Update
I spoke to the people today and got a bit of advice and found out what is needed to book. If we book for mid Feb we can have our choice at the moment, we can get the 10 nights for the price of 7 and a 5% discount because I have sailed with them before (as long as it is not school holidays). I had bit of a natter about the different boats and the Conquest 40 (http://www.whitsundayescape.com/sailingCats/conquest40.htm) def sounds like the best option. It sleeps upto 12 comfortably and is a good sailor with some extra comforts. Spa, Big BBQ, large fridge, rubber dingie with motor, good engine size, shallow draft, perfect boat. That would be $6150 for the 10 nights. So paying safe 10 people $615 each - $61 a night to sit in 5 star accom, in the prettiest place with me, the prettiest person. BARGAIN
For a rough idea of the full costs
per person (Group)
$615 - boat (6150)
$250 - flights (2500)
$175 - food (1750)
$150 - booze (1500)
$25 - worst case fuel for the boat (max 250)
$25 - Taxi to and from airport ($100 per ride)
$1240 for 11 days 10 nights. There should be no other costs.
Addition things:
*The boat comes with snorkling gear, you can rent scuba if you want.
*Staying at the islands (eg Hamilton) overnight is $80 for the boat ($8 each) but that gives you use of the island and facilities (pools, bars etc)
*Fuck, come on, this is going to be the best holiday ever!
To Plan:
1) Dates
2) No. Days
3) Boat
4) Shopping list/Menu
5) Any particular islands /stops you want to make.
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!
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