Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Purging my demons

Boss has very practical hands – thick, muscular and pale. Quite oddly, she also has very long scooped yellowed nails that gross me out whenever she’s pointing out a figure in a document or what have you. Today in our morning meeting, being perhaps slightly more fragile than usual, I found myself almost retching at the spectacle of her dipping the entire length of her index finger through the foam of her cappuccino, engulfing the whole appendage right up to the knuckle, in her mouth and slurping it off with a smack of her chops. Over and over again. About 2 feet away from my face.

Was pretty sure you all wanted to hear that.


Nick said...

If you don't get a new job soon the blog will have to start charging you for therapy sessions

Sarah said...

Hey, I’d pay to learn how I can continue to do the job the love, at the same time as surviving a very close team that on occasion makes me break out in convulsions of frustration so powerful I give myself whiplash…

Margs said...

snap to loving the job, but maybe I need therapy for the opposite reason....it's not me, but my "TEAM" who goes into convuslions, dribbling and screaming fits hehehe.

Sarah said...

Lady, I bet your team is more numerically literate and verbally mature than one member of my team...

Jenny said...

Oh sarah, even the description is making me shudder. I so hear you.