When: This Friday night
Time: 7:30pm
Where: Low302
Wear: Party frock or schmick manly getup
What: Merry toasting & greedy tasting
Why: Because it doesn't hurt to scrub up every now and then
Who: Jenny & Alex, John & Shari, Nicolai & Mattwa, Jeff, Renae, Carmel, Sarah & Noodle
Who else: ? Let me know if someone else is coming
Cost: $26 a head, plus whatever you drink
Plus: if you can't make it afterall, LET ME KNOW so I don't have to on-charge you your $10
hahahah I like how you made Mattwa and Nicolai a couple!
oh yeah and Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!! see you on NYE!!!
Yay! Can't wait! Almost holidays!
HUZZAH! Thank you Miss Social Secretary Extraordinaire. cx
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