Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Vegetable people

Unfortunately, there hasnt been any explosions in the science lab or scary spiders on the play ground this week for me to report. However, yr 10 made some vegetable people as part of the genetics course. They are quite cute.
The girls randomly choose the genes for the vegetable people's characteristics, and had to show their phenotype. It was a fun activity for period 6 on a friday.


john said...

Do they do home-ec aswell, because I can feel a convinient cross-over of subjects. Mmmm tastly potato people < I think it's dinner time >.

Margs said...

I was just going to say.....That looks suspiciously like D&T!!

Sarah said...

Science lesson my foot! This reeks of your usual scheming to take over the world, only this time you've enlisted some innocent school children and tasty vegetables to your fiendish cause. Shame on you! Your army of beastly vegetable monsters will not prevail!!!

john said...

What does D&T stand for?

Sarah said...

design and technology

love your new look John. Even more irresistable.

Matt said...

I think I know that guy. Does he work in a call centre?