Here's a funny little thing that happened to me this week.
Sarah was kind enough to feed me Red Lentil Soup before we left Quidong a few weeks ago , and I've been meaning to ask her for the recipe since. I finally remembered when email was in easy reach and shot the request off earlier this week. She promptly replied with the surprisingly simple recipe that I haven't yet tried but will soon, maybe after I get myself a
bamix (note the model name).
Also this week, I read an
article in the SMH about a former lover of both George Harrison and Eric Clapton who inspired Clapton's very famous song Layla. The article got around to naming the muses of other famous musicians such as Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney and ended by saying McCartney's song "Maybe I'm Amazed" is the best love song he ever wrote. I was curious about the song as it wasn't in my Beatles collection, and this is because it was a song by
Wings. Being a Geek, I of course looked it up on Wikipedia, and found something funny.
When Paul and Linda McCartney appeared on the Simpsons, the song "
Maybe I'm Amazed" is played over the closing credits. In the episode Paul tells Lisa that playing MIA backwards reveals a secret lentil soup recipe, and the version played over the credits actually has a back-mask of Paul McCartney reciting a recipe for lentil soup. So I think the Universe really really wants me to make Lentil soup.
Sarah's Recipe:
Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil
Add 1 brown onion, chopped and cook for a few minutes till softened.
Add 2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 fresh red chilli, chopped
1 teaspoon of ground cumin
and 1 teaspoon of ground coriander and stir for a few minutes till fragrant.
Add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
2 tins of crushed tomatoes
1 cup of red lentils
2 cups of chicken stock and cook on low heat for 20 minutes. Blend (if you want) and serve.
Paul McCartney's:
one medium onion, chopped
two tablespoons of vegetable oil
one clove of garlic, crushed
one cup of carrots, chopped
two sticks of celery, chopped
half a cup of lentils
one bay leaf
one tablespoon of freshly-chopped parsley
salt and freshly-ground pepper to taste
two and a quarter cups of vegetable stock or water
Just as a side note, this is the 651st post on this blog.