It must have been 4 degrees that weekend....I can't remember when I've ever been that cold before! Especially the first time we jumped out of the car on Friday night to get some food in Katoomba! Luckily the central heating and Mattwa's expert fire stoking kept us warm and happy. We crowned the winterfest queen in appropriate attire....
Thought you might also like to look at these shots....
On the Sunday, when most winterfesters went home, a small group of us headed back out to Scenic World and paid a ridiculous amount to queue up and get in a yellow box with a million other tourists and take a slow 20 minute journey across the mountains and back again...they did however open our eyes to the magic of the worlds first Electro-Sceni floor! This next photo shows our yellow box from Echo Point (The Three Sisters)
The view out the side of our yellow box, this is the great Katoomba waterfall. Did you know that Katoomba is Aboriginal for tumbling water? well you do now...and apparently this waterfall is where it gets it's name.
And finally, the best part of the whole trip......(sound the trumpets).....I am now the owner of the most gorgeous butter dish anyone has ever makes me so much more fabulous than I already was!
That Electro-Sceni floor really made my day! Thanks for the walk down memory lane Lady.
All praise the butter dish
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