Restored to former glory, the mighty SRF finished the year in usual form. First, Nick checked in with our Paris branch for updates from the North. (Things seem to be getting a little out of hand up there…)

Hello Jenny & Alex!
Then we bid a fitting farewell to the federal government and rang in the new era of Rudd. We had group triumphs, such as John finally securing Shari for us, legally.

(And hence cementing our ownership of Dean ‘Charlize Theron’ Seccombe.) We had solo efforts, such as Nick’s dash from Bondi to Bronte in under and hour.

We finished the year together(ish) with cocktails and then went our separate ways for the festive season, soon to ring in a new year, when we will once again band together - to overcome more obstacles, share more successes and pick on Dean. Until then, all the very best from your evil blog administrator. Take care, god bless, and here’s to 2008!
Brilliant review SJ - well done!
I love these reviews! Keep up the good work Lady!
...and damn 2008 is gonna be one helluva year!
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