Thursday, October 08, 2009

Move over Heath

It appears that we have another SRF celebrity connection (whether or not we would like to publicly admit this will have to be discussed at our next AGM):

NB. SRF-ers who joined us within the last 10 years or so won’t recognise him.


Margs said...

I THOUGHT it was him!! was gonna ask someone but forgot....hahahah looks like they really did find true geeks!

Nick said...

Ahhh Xenogene such a lovely guy at Uni I hope the show does him justice. Certainly after Jenny and I the most successful person in our Physics lab.

john said...

What classes did he do? I remember his face but I don't remember taking any classes with him.

Jenny said...

All I know is physics. But he hung around a bit, he was friends with Ayla and co.