After our chili plant tragically succumbed to dehydration recently, we have had to resort to the plastic-wrapped Coles varietals. But these lovely little green shoots have magically* appeared from a tub of dirt and a Tequila-induced burial of a chili therein.
They're only about a centimetre tall, so there's a while to go, but it is very exciting!
* I do realise that plants don't grow by magic but it still seems amazing to me that from a little shriveled seed buried in dirt, come beautiful green leaves! And eventually (depending on whether I remember to water them) even stuff you can eat! Pretty close to magic in my book.
I must say, none of my past Tequila-induced endeavours produced such pleasing results as this!
Incorrect, it is magic. Men with capes, bow-ties and goatees appear in a puff of smoke and start the process. I always plant my seeds with the command "abra-ca-dabra" and it seems to work
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