In amongst boring stuff about wind farms were some golden quotes about cycling...
There’s not a hard core, lycra clad mountain biker to be seen, just commuters in street clothes, riding old fashioned rattlers, who aren’t at all deterred by the inclement Nordic weather.
It’s part of policy to have a more lively city, a safer city, a more sustainable city and a city offering more healthy lifestyles.
Authorities don’t dare make helmets compulsory... If we make it compulsory, every third of all the bicyclists will not be bicycling because there are so many small trips where you wouldn’t bother. There are so many young and beautiful girls who wouldn’t like to have a silly helmet on.
Hear hear! Love those Danes!
I just had to listen to Clover Moore banging on about cycling in our foyer this morning "We're going to be encouraging people to cycle to the Sydney Festival this January..."
Well build some more cycle lanes and bike parks then please!
Signed, young and beautiful girl cyclist (who wears a helmet).
hahah I thought you'd written a post about me when I saw that heading...alas there must be other young and beautiful girls out there who actually get off their butts and cycle places!
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