Loads of films on at the Academy and Verona in Paddington (and at Norton St) for the next three weeks, including the following that I will be seeing in case anyone would care to join me:
Welcome 6.45 pm Fri 5/3
Making plans for Lena 9 pm Thurs 11/3
Every Jack has a Jill 6.45 pm Fri 12/3 (starring the gorgeous Melanie Laurent who played Shoshanna in Inglorious Basterds)
Leaving 4.15 pm Sun 14/3
Anything for her 6.30 pm Wed 17/3 (starring even more gorgeous Diane Kruger)
I also have another couple that I am hoping to get to but will have to see about. So what are you waiting for? Tickets online or at the door (if any left).
Almost as good as:

Done! I'm coming on March 11 & 17.
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