Monday, September 17, 2007

The wait is nearly over.

Disclaimer: Matt is a fat bastard who may have previously mentioned they were doing Futurama movies, but I have an actual release date and box art so he can go to hell.

For those amongst us that enjoy awesome things, you will be pleased to hear that the first of four planned Futurama DVD Movies is due to be released on the 27th of November, 2007 in the US. It is called "Futurama: Bender's Big Score", and will be followed at an unspecified time in 2008 by "Futurama: The Beast of a Billion Backs" and "Futurama: Bender's Game" and finally "Futurama: The Wild Green Yonder" in 2009.

And the plot I hear you ask? "The Planet Express crew fights to save the world from nudist alien internet scammers, who send Bender back into the past to steal the world's greatest treasures. The secret to time travel is tatooed on Fry's buttocks, Leela finds true love, and Fry learns a terrible secret about his destiny and his buttocks." God bless Wikipedia and it's stellar quality control!

Much like the Family Guy movie, each of these movies can be chopped up into several linked episodes, and I believe the plan is to release them as a new series of 12/16 episodes on TV once the final movie has been released.


john said...

I'm dissapointed in you. Your comment should have been death by man snu snu considering the context.

Richard said...

Shit, you're right! I'm so ashamed :(