Ok, I have just finished my research trip for our trip in Feb/Mar next year. The sacrifices I make to make sure you all have a good trip. You all owe me big time.
So here was my week (Red lines are the sails, dots are the overnight spots)!

Arilie Beach marina - After a mad dash round for 3 shopping carts full of food ($750) and one of booze - 4 cases of wine - 4 of beer ($550), we picked up the boat (
our exact boat - I had one of the back cabins). Then we had a drunken night on the town, Jen made a point of ordering me a quadruple X at the bar.

Sunday: Arlie to
Stonehaven beach - We woke up to an hour
briefing on the boat then sailed across in the main straight (3hrs-
ish) to a beautiful beach for a swim and a fish.
Stonehave to
Hayman to
Buterfly Bay- After ingesting our first kilo of bacon we headed up for a cheeky look at
Hayman (about $1k to stay there a night) and a quick
snorkel and lunch (Second best
snorkel of the trip) and then round to
Butterfly Bay to stay overnight.
Butterfly bay was def. the best
snorkel of the trip.
Absolutely beautiful and the first turtle spotting.

Butterfly Bay to
Whitehaven - After an early morning
snorkel in the 24 degree water, a full day sail (into the wind :( ) found us at one of those 4 mile, soft, white, sand
OMG! And once the day trip tourist boats had gone for the day it was all ours. And turtles heads kept popping up for a breath every few minutes round us.

Wednesday -
Whitehaven to Hamilton - The wind picked up and we had to go the long way round. A good 2 hr sail turned into 6 hr one. But I enjoyed the sail.

Once cosy in Hamilton ($80 a night compared to 1k at
Hayman) we had a quick tour of the island and Jen, Laura and I hit the resorts while the others wandered around.

and then meet up with the rest for State of Origin at the pub, followed by a fairly
deborchorous night that brought us back to the boat in the wee hours.
Thursday - Hamilton Island: We took a full day at Hamilton Island, well worth it. Started with another kilo of bacon and then did a walk around the island, a bit of shopping, a post lunch
mini golf and then trivia at the resorts followed by putting a dent in their bar stock.

Friday : Hamilton to South Mole Island - a nice sail which I missed most of by
falling asleep reading. A pretty little spot with a small boat ride to another resort. The moment we landed we were attacked by birds. Then we divided off into the walkers and the fishers. We also managed to squeeze bacon into every meal.

Saturday South Mole to Arlie Beach: Had an awesome sail on the last day - strong winds in the right direction got us up over 8 knots,
which is pretty good for this hull! Fun sailing - speed - a good keel - had to reef the sails - and the wheel took some
muscle to turn (which is why I had to have help ;) )

And back on the marina at
Arilie Beach for dinner on board, finishing off the rest of the booze then off to the nightlife in town.

I had a good chat with a few people on the marine on the last day and I think I have pick out the best boat for us and there is a 10 days for the price of 7 deal on it! Anyone fancy a planning session this Thursday night at the Courthouse and I can book us in?