Thursday, June 28, 2007

Facebook Explosion!

Well I finally caved on Monday and accepted a facebook invitation - I figured after SO many I should see what all the fuss is about. And BANG! Suddenly all these old faces are coming out of the woodwork! I'm not entirely sure of what the whole thing is about or even how long it will last but it has been so much fun hearing from long lost people just out of the blue... Not to mention keeping an eye on Paris Branch over there...

Anywho, I'm thinking of starting a group "the current members of the thriving SRF" there and I'll invite you other facebookers along...


Nick said...

Yes we need a group on Facebook - I am so in Now

Margs said...

Just joined...Matten and I agree that only cool cats are allowed!

Matt said...

Yeah Nick, I'm sure you put up so much resistance.