Some of you may have seen the pictures of my AMAZING SKILLZ on Facebook, but for those who didn't, or those who just didn't understand the true scope of my magnificence, I give you my Custom Blood Bowl Board!
Isn't it beautiful? And it only gets BETTER!
I know... I know... your puny non-nerd brains cannot grasp the amazing scope of my project. As you sit, stunned and drooling slightly, let only the fact that I am like unto a god to my nerdish minions be burned into your damaged brains and know peace.
Here we have the dugouts where the home team stay. They get nice benches and a comfy bed, not like those poor SUCKERS in the away team! Mwahahahahahhahahahahhaa hahaha hah haha ha... eh...
Those poor fools with their broken bench and bare table... LOOK HOW THEY SUFFER!
And the best bit, an electronic scoreboard. Thank you Dick Smith and it's kits designed for 5 year olds!!
Now lets all go for a delicious sandwich and talk about how incredibly awesome Richard is!
Yep - I'm speechless
Truly awesome Richard!
If only you could use those powers for good.
My mum says I'm cool!
Your mum is a liar Richard. But that really does look quite amazing. The little dugouts are very cute! But you are still a massive nerd.
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