- Brief done
- Pump fixed
Weather forecast: - Sth to Sth Easterly, 10 - 15kts
Heading to Stonehaven anchorage
The man from the boat company has just left us. It's 2:58pm on SUnday 3rd Feb. We're fucked!
3:05pm Man from boat compnay has retruned. We're saved!
3:08pm He's left again. Still fucked.
3:10pm Dingy officially named "Princess Shitsmear"
- kitchen re-oriented
- shari finds toilet plunger in kitchen and is horrified!
5:30pm - Margeret loses her hat + The Albatross + Not Jenny badges - all are sad.
5:39pm - Sarah + Flit are bitten by El Canjis.
5:40pm - No one knows what an El Canji is...
7:27pm - Evil desperately tries to secure more chicken
- Sarah discovers the crossword from Saturday's herald. Hurrah!
8:05pm And they ate. And it was good.
10:32pm John falls asleep on the table - we listen to hilltop hoods and all is quiet!
10:40pm Noodle discovers phosphorescent algae in the water and thenis terrified that he has been unknowingly stung by hundreds of urikanji jellyfish. It is quite spectacular.
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