Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Flupdate: episode 2 - Burnin' down the house!

So Saturday ended week 24 for the Fluppy and myself - it worried me slightly to realise there were only 16 weeks left till a screaming, naked ball of Flitcroft fury entered this world via... well...me.

This week I have mostly been suffering from heartburn!

The list of food and drinks I am able to consume is slowly decreasing as each week passes. This last week I have lost:
  • soda water
  • white wine
  • certain salad dressings
  • cuuuuurrrryyyyy! (well a full curry at least, if I eat very slowly and only eat mild ones then I am ok...for now)
Apparently this will continue as Fluppy grows and continues to squish my internal organs up! so life continues on with it's little challenges....

We now however have bought a pram and today I ebayed ourselves a lovely new bassinette! very chuffed!

Fluppy is about 22.5 cm long and weighs about 720gms. Fluppy could survive outside if born today (fingers and legs crossed THAT doesn't happen!) Pretty much all her systems are formed and functioning, from now on it's all about the weight gain...Oh Joy!

She's still kicking away happily and Jules has had a few chances to feel the karate going on in my tummy. Usually she starts kicking just as I'm drifting off to sleep or in the middle of important work phone calls and catches me off guard...I guess it goes to show what kind of a child we'll have later in life.

Other than all this, it's getting harder to bend in half and anything with shoe laces fills me with dread. I should probably make a list of things to look forward to when the baby comes, such as putting on my jeans without having to have a rest half way through!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That fluppy really is costing you a lot of foods!

Any pictures yet?