Event details:
Wedneday 25 August 7.30pm
Full info here:
A love of music(als) and desire to boogie are pre-requisites, although knowledge of the specific steps for Chicago are not mandatory (we'll get a lesson).
If you've not been to Wrong Prom before I can heartily recommend it. Fab night out, and a good excuse to dress up and dance, and not feel silly, because everyone else is doing it too!
And to get you in the mood:
Who's with me?
Ha! Well, I'm NOT much of a fan of musicals (like at all) but this sounds hilarious!
I'm in!
I'm In
Jeff is from Chicago so he has to come!
Great so that's 4 of us who want to venture where good music and daggy dancing collide. I'll buy the tickets this Friday (it usually sells out in advance) so let me know if you'll be joining us.
I too care little for a musical, unless it features Julie Andrews, pre-Dame. Dancing and silliness, however, is right up my alley. Sign me up!
was going to say looks like fun count me in, but I see Nick's taken the liberty to sign me up.
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