As some of you may know, I have a brand new pushbike. Which I love. I also have a Father with MS. Which I well, you know...
The MS Bike ride to the Gong is on again in November and given the above it would almost be churlish not to enter. So I have entered [pause for applause]. But not only that friends, I have created a team. A team for the SRF. A team that will take on all challengers and crush them to dust! A team that will ride courageously to the Gong with nary a bead of sweat polluting it's brow. That team, my friends, is you.
The ride takes place on Nov 2 and can be either a 90km ride from St Peters, or a 56km ride from Heathcote. I'll be attempting the big one, but team members are welcome to do whichever they wish. The route map and profile are available here. There will be live music and stuff happening at the finish, and at rest spots along the way.

There is a team website. Please check it out. If you are interested in joining for the ride or as support crew, you would be most welcome. If you know anyone who would like to get involved that doesn't read the blog, invite them to join. We are looking for sponsors, so if any of you work for companies that you think would be interested, please put it to the relevant honcho. There are facilities on the website to accept donations from ordinary punters, and if you join for the ride, you can also opt for a physical donation book. I've set our fundraising target at $500 to start with, but I reckon we can do much better than that if we try just a little bit.
I will look into getting team shirts made, which may be an opportunity for those old SRF logo entries to get a run. It would also be an opportunity for any potential sponsors to bandy their logo about.
It's a good cause close to my heart, and should be a really fun day (except maybe for the hilly bits), so please get involved if you can. I want to thank Shari for putting her hand up to ride the 90 k's and I hope we get a few more as well. All suggestions are welcome, and I want the MS Society to know that this won't end up like the whole read-a-thon thing back in primary school. Really. I promise.
I'm up for it.
I'm probably not up to it, what with the winter flab and all, but I'll give it a crack. (Assuming the hot pink mountain bike looks ok once I drag it out and dust it off.)
John and I have been discussing our support strategy...we're thinking about transport, pincics, refreshments tossed from the side of the ute as the weary riders approach and most importantly we're working out how we can stack the bikes, the eskies AND the bbq all on the back of the ute safely (or the John way...whichever works best)!
EBA do you mind putting a link in at the top?
Am I going to be in the 6 hrs or more bracket?
I think I put 4-6 hours. I'm sure you don't get in trouble for picking the wrong one.
So now that Sarah's in will Noodle be reconsidering his hair washing
Perhaps. I'll have to see what kind of bike I can dig out of the garage.
I'm sure we can borrow you one Noodle. Maybe if you ask your brother in-law nicely... Although i think his may still be full of blackberry thorns from the farm.
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