How were your weekends? Fabulous I hope! Ours started (as most of yours did, with the poker night) with a night out for Flit and a night in front of the tv for me...with a cheesecake and a bottle of wine! so I guess you could say it was fabulous all round! I was rudely woken at 4am with rather loud music....I got up and found a rather pissed husband listening (innocently) to something emmanating from the computer....after he was told how loud it was we were able to go back to sleep....something that was rudely interrupted again by said husband's SNORING! eventually I got back to sleep until the alarm worked it's magic at 7am!!!! Inhuman I know, but I got up and packed our clothes, toiletries and many pain killers and got ready for our drive out to Tumut! Over the next hour I nursed Flitcroft out of his coma and got him upright ( his first words to me were..."they made me drink girly drinks" and then "mooooaaaaaaaannnnn")...bundled him into the car with pills, pillows and earplugs and off we all set for good old Tumut to retrieve Sarah's car and spend a relaxing night on the farm (and throw a few wedding jobs into the mix!) after finding a good place for wedding hair, a good place for Brides (and acompanying party) to sleep and a possibilty for flowers, we had a lovely lunch, checked out some cars, visited Grandma and arrived safe and sound at the farm. Sarah and I headed out for a walk and were accosted by an orphaned sheep! When I say "WE were accosted..." I really just me "I"! That damn sheep thought I was it's best friend, and to the delight of Sarah, proceeded to gallop/prance/buck/nibble/follow/rub/step on me for the next 40 minutes!!! As we headed back to the farm, the sheep gave me numerous foot injuries by stepping on my thongs in it's haste to be next to me! Sarah was able to run back, but the more I ran the more this damn sheep pranced/bucked/charged/trod on me! eventually I realised that if I swung the stick I was holding behind me then each time he charged he got smacked...that taught him to keep back! I was able to find a fence I could climb (which he obviously couldn't)and started to enjoy my stroill back to the house......that was...until.....he bloody realised he could get around another way and off he lept to try and cut me off...much to the amusement of Flit, Sarah and Peta who had by now gathered in the front garden to watch this love story unfold! As you can imagine, the sheep's glee at finding another way round, filled me with dread and so I bolted to the gate and almost vaulted over it to safety! The next hour, as I sat reading the paper on the front verandah, was accompanied by the mournful bleating of a sheep deprived of his one true love! ( he hadn't found a way to me, just a way to the nearest fence) UNBELIEVABLE! I mean, I could understand if I had led him on, but this was just ridiculous! Anyway, later that day I thought I'd be rid of my fan when Flit decided to go for a walk himself. The sheep started following him, but after 100m or so he was torn and decided to turn around to continue his vigil by my side...I was officially being stalked by a SHEEP!.

Anyway, onto my injury...we played Futsal tonight...great fun as usual! and might I say, the team I saw out there tonight really played their little socks off! We played a team we had previously met and been beaten by 15-0, tonight we were a different team and only went down 11-2 (a much better result as far as we were concerned!) But that stupid cow on the other team doesn't understand the rule that when the keeper's hands are on the ball, it is effectively dead and no one else can go near it! She just kept on kicking even though I called out and had both hands firmly on it! the result was a F@#Ked finger on my left hand and me having to leave the pitch as the agony was making me shake. No apology or anything either! So now I sit here typing with one hand...making a million mistakes and having to correct as I go which is doubling the time...I have at least had a few beers and some wine, and loads of painkillers and am just about to turn in (still in pain, but less so now). If it still hurts like this tomorrow then my lucky boss will get a call bright and early and maybe he'll have to head over and run some of my jobs for the day! Every cloud does have a silver lining!
His there a hupdate on the hand yet?
Oi Lady! Come to my defense! That sheep was insane! If it had been human it would probably be that guy who doesn't wear pants at Central and yells at random strangers!
Oh come on Lady. Insane with LOVE! You should have heard the mournful bleating after you left. She came and stood at the house gate and cried and cried for you, heartless seductress.
I could only console her with a few bread rolls and another handful of elm leaves.
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