Ah the marvelous Melbourne cup! I love it! What better excuse to scive off work for the afternoon and head to a fabulous pub with mates for a bevvie and a bet?
As is our little tradition, my mate Sylvia (ex-merck) and I headed down to the Oakes in Neutral Bay for our once a year flutter and a good catch up. It was sooooooooooooooo busy! It appears everyone had the same idea! Never mind, we secured a great couch right near a large screen and proceeded to drink, in the warm up for the race. We had both placed bets on various horses....I had Yeats and Tawqeet (the two favourites) aswell as my own picks: Maybe better and Mandela...both of which I very studiously researched and felt very proud that I had chosen two fine specimens that no one else knew about! I HAD to win! in fact, Sylv and I were totally convinced it was impossible for us NOT to win.
Three o'clock ticked round.... and the as the pub fell silent, we waited with baited breath for the gates to open and the horses to launch themselves forth.....and then...they were racing....andzabeatwasinthefrontformostoftheracewhilemandelasatin fourthyeatsstartedtomoveuptheinsidewhilemandelamovedoutofviewthentheJapaneshorsespoprockand
deltabluescomeupandlookingoodform! It's a close race to the end as the two jockeys cross the line on their Japanese trained horses...It's Delta Blues in first and Pop Rock in second with Maybe Better coming in third! None of the favourites made a showing and so there were some very happy and some very miserable people at the Oakes today! The crowd very quickly moved back to their places of work, and just those of us allowed to stay, drank on.
Both Sylv and I had chosen horses that placed, but no wins, we collected our pitiful $15 from the TAB and decided that next year we'd definately be on the money!
Thank goodness this only happens once a year or else we'd seriously be out of pocket!
I had a bit more luck than that. I picked the trifecta and collected a cool $1731.35 for my trouble.
Are you kidding Matt?
I picked 2nd and 3rd each way, not quite the trifecta but I was happy.
Nope he did. I help drink some of the profits.
HOLY SHIT! That is amazing.
I was pretty darn stoked!
How did you pick them out?
I'd just heard about them and read about them. I also had money on Tawqueet and Yeats to win. These three were the best of the rest as far as I could tell. I didn't spend a lot of time on it.
congratulations! that's way cool! I would have quite happily celebrated with you, my drinking buddy left me at 5 after I had already had a few!
Don't talk to me about Tawqeet, that old nag should have a bullet in the head for that run - disgraceful.
Congratulations Mr Starr, always nice when a little flutter pays off.
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