Friday, November 17, 2006



Noodle said...

Here's a few more interesting links I found:

You can get Chuck Norris facts put on T-Shirt here:

Chuck Norris writes a column for World Net Daily, they are archived here (includes a column of his opinions on the Chuck Norris 'facts'):

But my favourite has to be this fan site:
I love the quote: "I've been lucky enough to see Chuck in person and speak with him a couple of times. He's very nice, and at the same time, very intense. He's one of the few people I've ever met who commands respect just by walking in the room."

Matt said...

"I've got a bulletin for you, folks. I am no superman. I realize that now, but I didn't always. As six-time world karate champion and then a movie star, I put too much trust in who I was, what I could do and what I acquired."

what a Dick!

Margs said...

don't pretend that doesn't make you weak at the knees!