Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Ha! I found this bird outside my house yesterday afternoon. I have no idea what kind of bird it is, but it was quite small and very fluffy and soft. I think it fell out of its nest, coz when I picked it up and tried to move it, it attempted to fly, but smacked into the car instead! It wasn't hurt so I decided it would be ok to laugh.

It was gone this morning when I went out to look for it.


Sarah said...

That is a baby native minor bird.

Noodle said...

I concur.

Matt said...

I think its a Noisy Miner - Manorina melanocephala

Margs said...

do we like them Lady?

Sarah said...

Not especially - better than the brown Indian Myna that is an introduced pest and has a very negative impact on biodiversity. The native Miner is very aggressive and keeps away a lot of other native birds though. I wouldn't weep for a deady.