5th, 6th and 7th of Jan - Wollombi

As I am on holidays I'm just going to assume everyone is ;) How about:
Head up Thurday night and meet there for Dinner at the pub in Wollombi and drive to the house together, as it is a little hard to find.

Friday - Laze at the house (and any Friday arrivals can rock up). Eat/play some board games/watch matt sleep.

Satuday - The Hunter Valley for a bit of a drink and then dinner down there too.
Sunday - Bit of a relax and head home.
How does that all sound?
The details ( From last time)
There are two bedrooms with beds (bags one), bathroom, large living room and a kitchen. There is also a large area of grass and a big undercover balcony. So you can
1) if your quick and share the bed with someone, bags the bed
2) Sleep in the lounge room with whatever you bring up with you
3) Camp under the balcony
4) Camp outside.
So there should be plenty of room for all.

BTW1 the last 6km is dirt track so if you are worried about driving on it, car pool with someone with a work car that they have to return soon anyway ;) Shari's car has made it OK, so everyone should be fine though.
BTW2 The place is on tank water and solar power. The powers not a big deal, we should be fine but you can't have 8 showers a day.
BTW3 Matts smells.
In So Far:
Sarah (Friday)
Noodle (Friday)
Can Flit and I be the second quickest (after John) to bags a bed?
...oh, and we're in too! I'll be on hols (not sure about Flit) so hopefully we'll be there on the Thursday night too.
and BTW4...I have to hand my car in this week, so unless I can find a new one we will be coming up either with someone else or in a two seater (so no one will be able to get a lift with us)
I'm in like Flynn. How do you expect me to not smell if I'm not allowed my regular 8 showers per day? Huh?
I'll bring a tent and air mattress. I also charge to watch me sleep.
Sorry, Sarah and I baggsed that bed AAAAAGES ago.... just see the old post on the blog. We win!
Sure did. Many moons ago. We won't be there on Thursday night though so maybe a COMPROMISE, Fillets?
Umm....I admit it..I was anal...I went back to the original post in May and I really don't see anything there about you guys baggsing anything! So unless you wrote it in invisible ink I would say you have been out baggsed!
There are three comments and none of them say anything about the extra bed and who will be occupying it.
Maybe you suffer from Lazy eye LAdy. Try looking at the post again at : http://srfoundation.blogspot.com/2006/10/on-completely-different-note.html
You may notice that the first two comments read as follows:
Sarah said...
Bags other bed x 2!
Also, dates look pretty good to me. I'm IN IN IN!
12:01 PM
Sarah said...
(The x 2 means Matten also Bags the bed. He has a crush on me.)
12:03 PM
Phew. I'm glad we got that sorted out. Didn't want to embarrass you too much!
easily fabricated...there's a reason you're called the EVIL blog administrator!
I will also be attending on Friday. Bronwen is off friday so she may come on Thursday
I think I should have the bed....
only if you share with Sarah and Noodle.
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