Wednesday, December 20, 2006


After nearly 4 years, today I said goodbye to MSDA!

Thank the Lord I'm outta there!

Tipping the taxi driver (as a last FU to the corporate beast) on cabcharge: $10
Emptying my car of promo material to keep me stocked up for years in pens: free

Systematically phoning every representative, manager, marketer and so on and poach as many as I can? Priceless!

So as a little housekeeping note. Please do not call me on my mobile anymore. I will get a temporary number set up and will let you know what it is when that happens. Also I will no longer be the designated driver...unless someone lets me drive their car....or until I get my new one.

So long to the free ride....hello to sanity!

1 comment:

Flit said...

Doh, and I was siphoning half a tank of petrol a week without you noticing, every good thing has to come to an end.