I've been embroiled in a scandal all week over a certain contractor of mine who we shall call Idiot X and a certain client of mine who we shall call lovely M.
Let me fill you in on the latest and greatest to date....
On Monday I got a phone call from lovely M saying he wanted to terminate the contact of Idiot X, many reasons were put forward, all very valid, from unexplained absences from work, to complaints from Principle Site Investigators to bald faced lying about his time sheets and monitoring activities. Idiot X was asked to present at Lovely M's office on Tuesday morning. Idiot X didn't show, he phoned about an hour later and said he was at a particular hospital monitoring and would be in after lunch. Lovely M (already suspicious) phoned said hospital who reported they hadn't seen Idiot X in weeks. Lovely M demanded Idiot X present himself after lunch.
Idiot X actually turned up at the office and was fired. When asked to return all his equipment (eg laptop, phone etc) he said it was at home. Lovely M asked him to return home and bring the equipment back to the office by COB that day. Idiot X did not return.
Millions of phone calls and sms's later and no reply from Idiot X. Idiot X was asked to deliver said equip to office by 9 am following morning (Wednesday).
Surprise surprise, Idiot X did not show. Lovely M was getting very upset by now.
Millions more phone calls, sms's and emails from myself and Lovely M and Idiot X agreed to be in the office after lunch that day (apparently 9 am did not suit him!!!!). He was, of course, a no show after lunch.
More phone calls and sms's with threats saying we will call the police if he didn't get in touch with us by 9 am the next morning (Thursday) then we would have to take legal action. A single sms returned saying he would be there.
9am Thursday morning rolls around and no sign on Idiot X. We sms and call him again and say we will be sending someone around to his home address by 12noon to collect the equipment, he'd better be there or we'll get the police to make an appearance, an sms returned asking if we could make it 4pm. We agreed.
4pm rolls around and my Director and one of my colleagues shows up at Idiot X's house, after ringing the doorbell a million times and getting no answer, they leave at 4.30pm and we call the lawyers.
Our legal advice is to make one final last ditch attempt to contact him, document it all thoroughly and give him till 9.30am Friday morning to deliver the equipment to our office or the cops will be notified.
No answer from Idiot X.
I arrive at work today and 9.30am passes. No sign or sound of Idiot X, a final call to double check, no answer. Off I trot to the Police station to make my complaint.
11am Friday I'm told by the lovely officer Steve, that this isn't a criminal matter as Idiot X did not actually steal the property, it was given to him on a contract and he hasn't returned it. Apparently these two facts are separate and distinct in the eyes of the cops.
I head back to work and discuss it with our lawyers who disagree with the cops, but what can I do?
Wonder of wonders an sms from Idiot X arrives begging me not to escalate the issue and he'll definitely be in my office at 2.30pm today with all the equipment.
So now I sit at my desk with everyone out at lunch wondering if hell will freeze over and if Idiot X will make an appearance.......
I'm not sure if he realises this whole episode means he will never work in the industry again? Annoying Lovely M was not a smart thing to do, Lovely M works for one of the largest and most influential Companies in the industry....Lovely M is personally well known and well liked. And Idiot X hasn't done himself any favours with us either.....why are some people so stoopid?