It was actually minus 4.8, or so the thermometer told us as we piled on oversized anoraks, 2 pairs of gloves and ugg boots. While we waited in the fur lined corridor for our chance to enter the largest freezer in Australia, the temperature inside those anoraks soared to record highs and we discovered why Australians favour singlets and thongs.

They keep the temperature low by special airlock type doors as you enter. We were only allowed in for half an hour at a time, I guess they figure hypothermia isn't so cool!
There were these amazing ice sculptures all around the room. Even ice thrones and large cowboys!

They gave us a safety lesson before we entered. They warned us not to drink from the waterfall (antifreeze), hold our glasses with both hands (lest they slip) and always put the drinks on the rubber mats provided (or they could freeze to the table top)

How cool are the glasses? The cocktail you get with your entry fee is a mango/orange/vodka thing. We went on to try others as you can see in the above picture. My favourite was one with absolute pepper, lychee juice, cranberry juice and ginger beer. As we were leaving I found John near the bar eating his glass, obviously the drinks were quite strong (so they didn't freeze) and he felt he needed a spacer (not having water, the next best thing was his glass...I should mention that the glasses were made of ice)
Hurrah for little plastic sockettes and shiny red noses!
WOW!! Looks awesome!
So Australia though, to be warning you of the dangers of minus five degrees! Here, they put us to sleep in it!
But it looks fantastic and it must have been nice to walk out into a gorgeous Sydney day (or probably night!). And the fur lined jackets are very cute! (and manly, of course, on the boys...)
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