It so happens that I have a few pics from Christmas with me so that’s what you’re going to get! Perhaps you will find random photos of me and mine completely irrelevant but I only hope to inspire others to make more interesting posts than my own, thus lifting the tone of the blog again for 2006.
Here you can see Santa and I preparing our little pig-leg while struggling with the 'fully-equipped' kitchen at our mini rented cottage at Wentworth Falls. We did a bourbon glaze and feasted on the yummy little beast for the next two weeks.

Here we see the festivities kicking off with our 'laid back' lunch. The crip was unable to lift a finger this year so it was a Pa & Sarah effort and though a departure from our traditional extravagant spread, I must say we didn't do too badly!
Sarah's pud, mk II, went down well, despite the lumps of cooked egg floating around it in Heath's stirred custard, mk I.
We were in no state for driving by Christmas afternoon, after hours of Pimms, bubbly and Pentanque, but the next day we went here... And there was much larking about...
Before leaving the blue mountains, we had a big cooked breakfast in the Megalong Valley and here is Becci about to commence. See, she summons the courage of wild bears. She managed to eat her whole meal. Hard core. They had funny little dogs at the cafe. Buzz liked it too. The end.
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