Friday, November 02, 2007

Friday Mutterings

So Mel keeps answering the phone before me taking away the small hope that a random phone call will break me out of my desk funk. Oh Todd from the US Studies centre just invited me to hear Harriett Fulbright (widow of Senator Fulbright - of Fulbright Scholarship fame) speak this excites me. Also today I'm in the process of orgainising flowers for the men folk at Dee's wedding. I should be cleaning my desk and working on some budget papers but all I really want to do is have a nap on the couch. Can anyone break this funk.

Good Luck Matt S

Good Luck Noodle

Sarah - I want something from Tonga

Richard - I plead with you - discuss the eyebrows on Idol those guys are killing me

John - you really shouldn't have done that

Margaret - The small glimmer of hope i have right now is breakfast tomorrow - 10.30

Shari - Blog Something

I also need to remember to pick up some pictures after 2.00pm so if you speak to me nag me.



Richard said...

Pfft I've done the most to break up the monotony this week. I didn't know anyone else still posted to this blog!

And noone can deny the glory of the USB Mini Fridge... BOW BEFORE IT'S GLORY!

Noodle said...


Margs said...

yeah Nick, Pick up your photos!

I get out of my work funks by drinking a can of V, annoying my boss (that's always fun), buying fabulous shoes and playing on FB! Try it, it works!

Margs said...

...and what did John do?

Nick said...

Pictures picked up!

John knows!

Margs said...

he might well do, but I would also like to know!