Friday, May 12, 2006

The Case of the Mystery Beauty Treatments

....And so the saga continues!

BACKGROUND: Mid week phone call informed me of my facial appointment and asked me to confirm. I phoned back to tell them they made a mistake....never had a facial, never booked a facial. They phoned back to say someone has paid for it and put it in my name with my contact details, so come in and enjoy!

Today was d-day. Gorgeous little salon in the heart of Neutral Bay...2.30pm.
One hour of sheer LUXURY!!! Dim lights, soothing music, sweet smelling oils, potions, creams and mud...GLORIOUS MUD! Throw a head, neck and shoulders massage in and I'm falling asleep....."floating aloft on creams and scented lotions"...

As the whole decadent session came to an end and I crawled back from the edge of a lovely soft nap...I vowed to SO do it again!! (especially if someone else is paying)

1 comment:

Noodle said...

A mystery indeed....