Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Shoesday- if it fits

Wistfully have I admired the regular columns by our esteemed John, artfully filling the void of Wednesday humour and reminding us all of our nerdy origins/associations on Thursdays. While I can not meaningfully contribute to our experience of paternal stylings and bizarre projects, I do feel a pull towards regular, predictable posting, so here it is- what I* know best…


I’ll start off my weekly homages to the keystone of accessories with a brief introduction to the royalty of my shoe collection, my Spanish Princesses. They are gloriously pink. They are warm and generous, polite, well mannered and articulate. With a delicate suede and fabric combination and a classic shape, these elegant little ladies have reigned as much admired sovereigns over my shoe-drobe for just over a year now. I am still looking for the perfect opportunity for them to make their glorious debut into proper society.

Feel free to stroke the computer monitor if you like. There's no shame in unrequited love.

*I also feel that in the case of any unavoidable Tuesday absence on my part, this subject will have the worthy champion of Lady to carry it through.


john said...

Very artistic, I love the 'casually thrown on the bed with a matching outfit' look.

Sarah said...

I will try for more gritty realism next week John. I guess romanticism isn't everyone's cup of tea.

john said...

hey, I was saying I liked it.

Margs said...

I would be proud to carry the flag on such occaisions Lady!