People came from near and far to book lanes, buy beer and ...bowl bowls(?)
The games were intensly watched...

and action packed....

We took up three lanes. Our lane had two teams...Talls vs Shorts, with a triumphant talls team taking out the trophy....An honourable mention to Gaby from the shorts, who, after having to be reminded it was her go for the whole game, eventually managed to be ready for her go on the second last bowl. I think we must also mention the fabulous effort from two of our girls, Bron and Shari, who suprised all with their accuracy and skill...have you guys got any white uniforms stashed away??
Meanwhile, G'Nicks lane decided that bowling to get the closest to the jack was for suckers, so they went for the gutter along the back instead! least he's pretty.
Between games, Mattes gave us an exclusive preview of his new look...

...complete with beer foam in his tash...very attractive!
We were blessed with sun and warmth, we broke some glasses, we had lots of laughs....a good day all round really!
1 comment:
What happened to the enormously long torso Mattess usually sports? I wonder how this effects his mono-cheek...
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