There are two guys who have been lost in the desert for weeks, and they're at death's door. As they stumble on, hoping for salvation in the form of an oasis or something similar, they suddenly spy, through the heat haze, a tree off in the distance.
As they get closer, they can see that the tree is draped with rasher upon rasher of bacon. There's smoked bacon, crispy bacon, life-giving juicy nearly-raw bacon, all sorts.
"Oh my, Pepe" says the first bloke. "It's a bacon tree !!! We're saved!!!"
"You're right" says Pepe, "Praise the Lord !"
So Pepe goes on ahead and runs up to the tree salivating at the prospect of food. But as he gets to within five feet of the tree, there's the sound of machine gun fire, and he is shot down in a hail of bullets.
His friend quickly drops down on the sand, and calls across to the dying Pepe.
"Pepe, Pepe - what on earth happened?"....
With his dying breath Pepe calls out ...
"Ugh, run , run ! ... it wasn't a Bacon Tree.
"It was a Ham Bush! "
Nerdy Post
Wall Street Journal this week released a list of the top 10 Dot com busts. My favourite, have you even been playing a game or browsing a web page and though "This is OK, but if I could smell it it would be great", well iSmell had the solution to your problem.

Unfortunatly, the rest of the word thinks your nuts and didn't buy iSmell and it went bust.
On A Final Note
Revenge of the Nerds is being remade! What I want to know is who is going to play booger?
HUrrah for the onward March of the Dad joke! Late but not lost.
Ham Bush. Tee hee hee. I like that one.
I think all these dad jokes are distracting from my nerdy post.
I'm sure I used to tell a close variation on that joke when I was about 5, my other favourite being the wide mouthed frog joke.
I fully expected todays Nerd post to be about the forthcoming date/time combination of 06/06/06 06:06:06 (how many Goths will top themselves at that very moment me wonders?), after the very memorable 06/05/04 03:02:01 has just gone - reason being that it was mentioned on todays column 8.
06/05/04 03:02:01 was the nerdy post, a few weeks back. Actually it might have been the first one.
Good one John...Ham bush! Ha!
I think the iSmell should have persisted...who knows...smellovision might not have been far off! Damn...we let it all slip through our fingers. Alas the shortsightedness of Humanity!
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