Why should you care: Mum and dad bought it for everyone in the family to Holiday too, so some time soon I thought we should go up and have a weekend away.

It's two bedrooms, one bathroom but the living room is huge and there's lots of room for camping. It has water, power and gas but from tanks and solar.

The local town is also fantastic, with a great pubs cafes and a catholic church and an anglican one (for thoses that way inclined)

John, that looks beautiful! I for one would be very glad of an invitation to a weekend there.
I for two would also be glad!
Excellent work on the town research...very informative and useful (thanks for thinking of us)
Looks fabulous! I think a trip to the Hunter for some Red and then beanies and rugs for all as we drink it with that beautiful view!
We took the scenic route last time we drove up to the Hunter and passed through there - I thought it looked like a nice place at the time. Margs may not remember as I think she was asleep at that point!
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