Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Shoesday- The harsh truth

Last week, on my Shoesday post, my paranoid misinterpretation of John’s comments resulted in a promise of more ‘gritty realism’ this week and here it is. In my attempt to bring you ‘the harsh truth’ I have a portrayal of the ‘possible actual’ plight of the down-and-out from the streets of this dog-eat-dog city of ours. Just call me a current affairs reporter.

It features a usually honest and hardworking black pump, a little Aussie battler, under the influence of the lethal cocktail of unmonitored Arabs, dodgy plumbers, dole bludgers, obese children, over-paid homeless people and salmonella tainted chicken. The shame. Why doesn’t the government take action? The very shame.


Noodle said...

Yes, but is there a new weight-loss cure involved too?

I must say, I find this new style of post far more compelling. I feel the need to be outraged for that poor, true blue aussie shoe and its hardships. Damned foreign shoes.

john said...

And it's lost its partner too. What a shame.

Margs said...

Oh the Humanity!!

Please lady, can we have the loveliness back? This horror is too much for a shoe lover to bear!

Sarah said...

Right you are Lady! Back to loveliness next week...