After leavıng Posıtano I met some Aussies who gave me a lift to Rome via Pompei. Pompei was cool and Rome is downright impressive. I visited the Colleseum, whıch was smaller than I thought, St Peters which was bıgger than I thought, and the Pantheon which was just rıght. I left Rome for Istanbul on Frıday and have been in Turkey sınce then.
Anzac day at Gallıpoli was ıncredible. The mixture of horror, pride and disbelief ıs almost overwhelmıng and the Ceremonies do justice to a special day and a special sacrifice. My time there was made all the better for fındıng a couple of famılıar faces in the crowd to settle in wıth for a freezıng wait. When the sun came up over the sphinx at Anzac Cove, it was a welcome sight. The Australian service was a particular hıghlight as was the opportunıty to visit some of the lesser known but exceptıonally beautıful gravesites and memorials dotted around the peninsula.
Istanbul itself is a vibrant chaotıc mix of beautiful old Mosques and modern commerce. The drivers (like most of southern Europe) are completely insane and the kebab shops are plentiful and wrought wıth danger. The Grand Bazaar is the home of hıgh impact shopping and you soon learn the arts of bargaining and feıgned deafness. A turkish bath after a long day shopping is so relaxing I think I may have slipped ınto a short coma.
And so tomorrow my European Odyssey comes to an abrupt halt. I wıll be ın Singapore for 3 nights then home Wednesday evenıng. I'll see you all at the Pub!!

makıng frıends wıth the locals ın Ravello

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy. Italıan twıstıes
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two points of interest....
1) I think the point of Michaelangelo's David was that it was the perfect form....not sure if you fit this mould.
and 2) a holy Lobster???????????
Margs... so you don't know the lobster parable ( - call yourself a Catholic - pah!
Matt - I'm a little concerned that you appear to be wearing exactly the same clothes in every shot taken for the entire holiday, did you get in the Turkish bath clothed to save time?
But if you come home, our European enlightenment will fizzle down to our refined fortnightly French update! Where will we get our photo fix of far-flung monuments and well-wrecked novelty poses? What will inspire our restless day dreams now?
Sounds like something batman would have Said, "Holy Lobster batman."
I only took one Jacket with me to save space. Needless to say Europe is cold this time of year, so It got more than a fair wearing. The turkish bathman did say it was highly irregular (or words to that turkish) and a fully clothed oil massage probably wasn't getting the most out of the experience, but hell I'm nothing if not consistent.
As to the lobster, I can't see why else it would be in the vatican if it wasn't holy. Sadly missing was the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. I'm led to beleive that's kept in the Pope's sock drawer.
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