With my three favourite advances this week:
Robotic wheelchair replacement.
Looks way cool, but I don't fancy being 2 meters of the ground walking down stairs in it.

A biped robot WL-16RIII carrying a student descends a flight of stairs during a demonstration at the campus of Waseda University in Tokyo on April 26, 2006. The world's first biped walking robot capable of carrying a person was developed by the university's mechanical engineering department and Tmsuk Co. Ltd. The robot is equipped with a joy stick-like controller for the driver to control the movement, direction and speed like a vehicle. (Reuters)
A Little Walking Robot
Just broken the robotic land speed record. Pretty cute really.....
a quick little movie of it here
The best for last - Mind Controled Robot
What would you do with a mind controled robot, these guys gave it to
a monkey.
The monkey's immediate utilization of this new skill was to shower a group of neurobiologists with feces, according to the report by lead researcher Miguel Nicolelis.
Success was sudden and unexpected, said Dr. Nicolelis. "We had no idea kinetic skills would develop so quickly. One moment we were having lunch in the lab, the next moment we were covered with monkey shit."
How about getting it to chuck poo at Matt.
woohoo poo chucking at Mattes! Now that is something I would like to see a post on!
There you go Mattes, it's a holiday challenge - find a Turkish person to brain control a robot to fling poo at you - and blog it, I'm sure your european phrase book will contain the necessary translations - easy.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's gotten completely bored with doing that all the time. Probably no challenge at all any more.
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