Thursday, April 06, 2006

Let the great out-nerding begin

In an effort to make every post nerdier than the last -

On the first Thursday in May this year, at two minutes and three second after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. This particular sequence won't happen again until 3006.

We can have the wedneday dad joke and the thursday nerd-out (followed by the friday spelling correction)


Noodle said...

And - just to be technical, mind you - that sequence would have been experienced in mind, body and soul by Americans yesterday. I wonder how it was for them.....?

Margs said...

yes, I'm sure the nation held it's breath!

On a less cynical note, this is actually a cool statistic John....long live the nerds!