In a "shock" turn of events, Ben McKenzie gets the boot from Australian idol despite being one of the judges favourites. Even more shocking, Matt Corby joined him and Marty Simpson in the bottom three, which probably set off a wave of panic throughout the country's tweenagers.
I hate the hypocrasy that comes from these shows. On sunday the judges (except for Marcia who totally swore and stuff!) all slammed Ben, again, for his song choice and his performance. But when he and Matt Corby are up on stage waiting to find out who is leaving, they all start moaning that they love them both and thought Ben and Matt would be the final 2 in the competition. Which is it you talentless pillocks?
The high-point of the show was after Ben's name came up, and he was taking it really well (he actually seemed excited to be leaving), Marcia gets up and says how much it bugs her that he wants to stay when "certain other people" don't. Just in case we didn't realise she was referring to Marty Simpson, the camera then cuts to him and gives a closeup of his reaction. Awesome!
Of course, if Marty Simpson really didn't want to be there, he would quit. I don't know why people are keeping him in when he is so awful, but now I think he is just milking it for all the attention he can get. He protests strenuously that he just isn't suited to singing covers and does better singing his own songs... ummm perhaps you shouldn't have signed up for the fifth year of a kareoke competion you stupid bastard! There is no way in hell he will make it to the end, but it is annoying to see better singers get the shaft and watch him cruise through churning out crap.
Given then sing two songs next week, I doubt anyone will be able to ignore how awful Marty is, so he is my pick to go next week. Second choice is Daniel Mifsud for having a stupid surname.
Excellent work richie!
But then what would I rant about?
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