So Friday was the end of the quarter and since we're soooooo excellent at what we do, our booses decided to go all out and give us a night on the town all expenses paid.

We started out with a ride in this monster! never seen a stretch Hummer, but damn it was fun! yes our office manager, Tara, (blond on the end) made us have these stoopid photos taken, but I've never seen so many people staring in my life!
Everywhere we drove (which was all over town for about an hour or so) people were actually coming out of their shops/businesses/pubs to check us out! Very funny.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, we drank our body weight in noice champagne and ate and laughed and danced and got up to all sorts of mischief (as you do when it's not your money) and spent the next day twitching from all the vodka redbulls.

...oh and how HOT are we! This was obviously taken long before the vodka, shots and cognac did their damage.
(I really just wanted to show you the hummer)
We celebrated end of quartre at kerner by getting ridden to do time sheets, collect cash, lock away milstone and expense etc. Oh what fun.
It's just like the hummer they had on America's Next Top Model. Did you put it to its full use and have teary and embarrassing catfights in it, like they did?
unfortunately no, but we did have drunken yahoos hanging out the windows cheering at the passersby! Does that count?
Damn, your lot know how to party John.
which one is craig?
You can't really see him, he's hanging out the door, only his head is visible.
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